Key Takeaways

Wayne Eckerson and Kevin Petrie offered their key takeaways from the December 15 event on Data Sharing and Data Marketplaces hosted by Eckerson Group. Wayne focused more on insights gleaned in the vendor panel and breakout sessions, while Kevin also included insights from the keynote.

Wayne’s key takeaways


“The key is to focus on business value for data consumers not monetization.”

(Ian Gilbert, Revelate)


“Data marketplaces require new roles like data monetizer, data productizer, data compliance specialist.”

(Didier Navez, Dawex)


“Data management is all stick, no carrot. Data marketplaces change that equation and deliver ROI.”

(Ian Stahl, Informatica)


“Data consumers want insights and simplicity, not data.”

(Ian Gilbert, Revelate)


“A data marketplace offers many benefits besides data monetization: they strengthen partnerships, cultivate ecosystems.”

(Didier Navez, Dawex)


Data marketplaces need to deliver an exquisite customer experience, i.e., mimic Shopify.

(Ian Gilbert, Revelate)


“Our buyer isn’t the consumer, it’s the operator.”

(Ian Stahl, Informatica)


A data marketplace needs to engender trust in data.

(Didier Navez, Dawex)